
The Anatomy of Leadership: Reactiveness vs. Responsiveness


In leadership, there’s a delicate balance that’s often hard to strike. Leaders across industries and sectors want to create environments that resonate with safety and empowerment. During my years of coaching and mentoring, there is often near 100% agreement and enthusiasm for creating more safety and empowerment. However, a common challenge surfaces when under real-world pressure. Just […]

Okay, but what does an agile coach actually do?

What does an agile coach do

Generally, an agile coach is someone who enables organisations to embrace agile as a culture shift. But what do agile coaches actually do within an organisation and what value do they bring? We take a deep dive in this article. Agilists around the world – unite Before we dive into this topic we would like to […]

Use POWER START For More Purposeful and Effective Meetings

Power Start

We’ve all attended (or led!) ineffective meetings where the purpose is vague or absent.  The meeting owner often jumps straight into the detail, leaving the participants floundering to understand how to contribute or add value.  In the absence of clarity, these meetings are often dominated by the strongest personalities in the room and whatever agenda […]

Understanding Objective and Key Results (OKRs) and The Benefits for Your Company

Objective and Key Results (OKR)

OKRs are an effective collaborative goal-setting methodology and used by some of the world’s leading organisations to set and enact their strategies. In this article, we will explore the concept of OKRs, their history, and their benefits for your organisation. The biggest testament to Google’s success is how it has become a verb. So it’s […]

Applying an agile mindset and ways of working to improve your Personal Agility

Growth Mindset

Ekipa Consultancy in Malaysia co-hosted a webinar with Amiruddin Yusoff, Paul Hutton and myself Gretel Darby in April  2021 on the topic of “improving personal agility”. Traditionally in Malaysia, the fasting month of Ramadan is especially challenging for working parents and spouses who are rushing to prepare for the daily family Iftar and juggling work. […]

The DNA of a true agile organisation

Agile organisation DNA

Lately, I see some companies move to true ‘agile enterprises’. I’ve always been a firm believer of empowerment and self management. To become a true agile organisation (as opposed to an organisation that does some agile in some projects), we need those two ingredients. An enterprise needs to reinvent its DNA. To reinvent the DNA, […]

Innovation in Indonesia: Strategy vs Execution

Strategy vs Execution

I’m on a personal quest to find out how I can best help the innovation ecosystem in Indonesia. At heart, I am an entrepreneur. I’m always seeing business opportunities around me and am inclined to ‘get going right away’. I’ve also learned that it’s good to sometimes sit on an idea a few days to […]

6 Steps to Begin Your Agile Transformation

Introduce Agile

So you’re an agile missionary and you want your company to taste the sweet paradise of agile-topia. You’ve read the agile books, attended trainings and conferences, and even paid visit to your local agile shop. You’ve never felt so ready in your life. You’re ready to introduce agile! Now it’s time to present your ideas […]